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2025-02-23 11:29

» Export Packing , Packaging and Labeling

Today packaging is considering as one of the most important element for marketing any product. No body can underscore the need for good packaging when he decided to export his product. Packaging means packing of the product in some container to reach the ultimate consumer. Packing mans protective covering used for transportation and shipment of goods. Packaging fulfills a vital role in helping to get the export product to the market in the best condition, as will as in presenting goods to overseas buyer in a attractive way. Packaging of a product performs the role of silent salesmen as it

* Improves presentation of the product
* Protect the product during distribution
* Makes handling and retail display of the product easier.

Good packing is one; whish protects its contents against hazard like dampness, rough handling, stacking, improper storage, insect infestation, pillage, tampering and pilferage. The choice of a suitable packaging is primarily determined by the significant characteristics of the product like physical and chemical properties and also by density, weight, and distance to be shipped.

Types of Packaging and Packing



An exporter can use the following containers foe packaging of the product
* Polythene Bags
* Box made of card paper or card board
* Box made of fiber board/plastic/acrylic/sheets.



The following types of boxes can be used for packing of the package meant for exports.


Wooden Boxes

The wooden boxes are most useful forms of packing as these are strong enough to withstand the load places on the top of it without crushing or cousins damage. The weight of a standard wooden box should not exceed to 100 kegs. This helps in minimizing the freight handling charges and freight of the shipment. a cube shapes wooden box has the maximum protective strength. Fragile goods should be packed in wooden box.


Fiber Board or Corrugated Board Boxes

These boxes are useful for shipment of non-fragile goods. Its use is very common in developed countries. The boxes should be, as far as possible, cube shaped and each box should not exceed 20-25 kegs in weight. These boxes have light weight, saves in shipping cost with a good deal of strength, fair resistance to moisture, compression.
The exporter should use cushioning material like rubberized animal hair, plastic material, polythene form shafts, straws, saw dust, wood dust and pear cuttings. This helps in protecting the packages from damage caused by bumping, rubbing or tossing about in the boxes, during rough weather at sea or because of vibration within an aircraft


Steel Drums

Steel drums are used for sending liquids in bulk. A drum should normally not exceed more than 250 kegs. Second hand drums should be used only if the buyer has agreed to use.



The main purpose of labeling is to inform the consumer/user about the quality and quantity of the product. The exporter should as certain the labeling requirements from the foreign buyers and strictly complies with them.


Labeling requirements of different countries

Every country uses the different types of labeling. Generally, every country has prescribed that the label on the product must indicate the country of origin. Thus, for exporter from India, it is essential to ensure the each item carries a label 'Made In India'. Beside, there may be certain other requirement as detailed below. For example

* In Oman, use of adhesive label on product is prohibited. Label should also be printed in both Arabic and English.
*  In Germany, the label on the textile item must indicate the origin of the fabric used
* In Canada, each package must carry label, printed in English and French.

The label should contain the following information

* Country of origin
* Specification of the product (Size, Weight etc)
* Lot number of consignment.


Factor to be taken care

* Include only relevant information
* Use the language of importer's country, if possible
* Check spelling of information, given on label. An error can lead the conclusion that the exporter is careless.