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2025-02-23 11:29

 ยป How To Export


There are various stages to export your product.

Get Prepare

Before entering in export trade it is very important for you to know the stages of export. So plan to handle all types of risk like knowing about all foreign policy of your country and the entire legal framework. It is very important to learn the basic thing required in export trade.


Chose your business type

Decide that you want to be manufacturer exporter or a merchant exporter. A manufacturer exporter is who export manufacturer the goods and a merchant exporter is who purchase the goods from manufacturer and then export them.


Organizing an export firm

Organizing an export firm according to your requirement. You can select a firm type from * solo prosperity firm * partnership firm * private limited company and * public limited company.


Choose your product

It is very important that you choose a right product. Choose a product that has very high demand, easily available and easy to adopt.


Choose your target market

Choose your target market very carefully after deeply research. Visit the target market to find the test of market and choice of people because every country' s people have different view. So try to understand the market trend of that country and culture of the country.

Find your buyer

You can find your buyer through trade fairs, Internet and buying agents. So participate in trade fairs regularly and keep in touch of buying agents. Internet is best source of finding buyer online due to its cost it is nearly free of cost. Make your website and promote it and submit your company detail in export directories available on the internet.


Execute an order

After receiving the export order, execute the order. If you are manufacturer exporter then manufacturer the goods and if, you are merchant exporter then purchase the goods. 


Packing the goods

Packing is also very important part of export trade. So discuses the packing packaging and labeling types from your buyer and then pack the goods as buyer wants.

Arrange pre shipment inspection

Pre shipment inspection is very important for clearing the shipment if your product comes in compulsory pre shipment inspection category than with out pre shipment inspection you can export the goods.

Prepare the document

Document play very vital role in export trade. so prepare the export documents vary carefully and correctly and submit then to custom department for clearing the goods and to bank for receiving the payment.

Custom clearance

Get cleared your goods from custom department you can take the services of a clearing and forwarding agents in this regard.

Shipped the goods

Arrange the space in shipping line or airlines for shipment of goods. You can also take the help of clearing and forwarding agents for this service.

Submit the document

In the last submit the document to your bank for payment. Bank will send the document to your buyer and release the money according to your trade terms.