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2025-02-23 11:29

» Export Promotion Council

Basic Objectives Role and Functions

 The basic objective of Export Promotion Councils is to promote and develop the exports of the country. Each Council is responsible for the promotion of a particular group of products, projects and services. The list of Export Promotion Councils (EPCs) and specified Agencies/ Boards which shall be regarded as EPCs are given in Appendix - 31 of the Handbook (Vol.1)

The main role of the EPCs is to project India's image abroad as a reliable supplier of high quality goods and services. In particular, the EPCs shall encourage and monitor the observance of international standards and specifications by exporters. The EPCs shall keep abreast of the trends and opportunities in international markets for goods and services and assist their members in taking advantage of such opportunities in order to expand and diversify exports.

The major functions of the EPCs are:


To provide commercially useful information and assistance to their members in developing and increasing their exports;


To offer professional advice to their members in areas such as technology upgradation, quality and design improvement, standards and specifications, product development, innovation, etc.;

 (c )

To organise visits of delegations of its members abroad to explore overseas market opportunities;


To organise participation in trade fairs, exhibitions and buyer-seller meets in India and abroad;


To promote interaction between the exporting community and the Government both at the Central and State levels; and


To build a statistical base and provide data on the exports and imports of the country, exports and imports of their members, as well as other relevant international trade data.

Non-profit, Autonomous and Professional Bodies

The EPCs are non-profit organisations registered under the Companies Act or the Societies Registration Act, as the case may be.

The EPCs shall be autonomous and regulate their own affairs. However, if the Central Government frames uniform bylaws for the constitution and/or for the transaction of business for EPCs, they shall adopt the same with such modifications as Central Government may approve having regard to the special nature or functioning of such EPC. The EPCs shall be required to obtain the approval of the Central Government for participation in trade fairs, exhibitions etc and for sending sales teams/ delegations abroad. The Ministry of Commerce and Industry/ Ministry of Textiles of the Government of India, as the case may be, would interact with the Managing Committee of the Council concerned, twice a year, once for approving their annual plans and budget and again for a mid-year appraisal and review of their performance.

In order to give a boost and impetus to exports, it is imperative that the EPCs function as professional bodies. For this purpose, executives with a professional background in commerce, management and international marketing and having experience in government and industry should be brought into the EPCs.

Government support

The EPCs may be provided financial assistance by the Central Government.

Registration cum-Membership

An exporter may, on application, register and become a member of an Export Promotion Council. On being admitted to membership, the applicant shall be granted forthwith Registration-cum- Membership Certificate (RCMC) of the EPC concerned, subject to such terms and conditions as may be specified in this behalf.

Export Promotion Council (EPC) Offices

Click here to check for the EPC offices